Senin, 19 Oktober 2015

Relax and Enjoy the World

Hello guys how are you.... I think It's time to have some tea and read my second blog heheheee.
What do you know? I think you guys ever felt the depressed right. When you got a lot of homework, or when you got a lot of problem with your friends or maybe when you got some trouble with your remedial test and when you got some trouble with your boyfriend *eh... you feel depressed and stress, right? Hehehe sometimes I feel the same way as you guys :).

But, If you get depressed about this crazy problem, you will become crazy and the problem won't finish by itself, right??? So, I think the best way to do is relax and enjoy this problem (?)

I mean enjoy this problem doesn't mean you leave this problem. Enjoy the problem means that you should solve the problem calmly. If you think about your problem calmly, you can solve this problem quick and properly. For example, if you studied math when you are thinking too much about the other problem, you won't understand about the lesson or maybe you just stressed out when you saw the crazy question. But, if you keep calm and study it properly, you can understand and solve the problem of the math question. Just try it if you want :v

Okaayy we're in same situation guys wahahaha. So I think I would like to share something for you guys who want to have relaxation. Here's the tips :)) Check it out :D

1. Hear some classical music
I think this would help you because some of the scientist said that classical musics have the role to help the human to develop their emotion. Also, there is a man from Jakarta who loves to hear the relaxing music. He said that he collected a lot of the classical music and he loves it. Maybe you should try to listen to this music because it is so relaxing. Or you can listen to instrumental music if you like.
I want to share the relaxing music I ever heard. This is from Japan but it use English language for the lyrics. Enjoy

2. Throw your gadget and see the outside world.
Doesn't mean you throw your gadget and destroy it wkwkwkwk. I think the best way to do is turn of your gadget. Yes, you can have some relaxation when you are playing games with your gadget. But, if you keep playing with your gadget and never stop playing, your will be have some problem with your eyes and you won't find the good things in outside world. And you will become crazy and stress because you're addicted with your gadget. So, I suggest you guys to see the outside world and the beautiful view in there. Here's some video about the nature to help you relax.

3. Talk to your friend and laugh as hard as you can.
Hihihi this is the best suggestion for you guys. I had such an experience about this suggestion. When I would take the mid-term exam, I talked to my friends and laughed as hard as I could. And the result is........... I could do the exam calmly. According to the scientist research, laughing can decrease your stress level. So, I suggest to see a lot of jokes in internet and joke with your friends. I suggest you guys to search "9GAGS" or "Dagelan" on google. Here's the video that can make you laugh more!
Okay, that's it guys..... Have some good day. Thanks for visiting. See you on my next blog!!
*Note : I'm sorry if I have a terrible English ;)

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